You were born to thrive
When we work together, you'll transform your life and health. Ditch the stress and overwhelm and become a healthy Type A when you find your Zen.
You were born to thrive
When we work together, you'll transform your life and health. Ditch the stress and overwhelm and become a healthy Type A when you find your Zen.
We’ll work one-on-one via video call. You tell me where you'd like to see change in your life.
We’ll collaborate together for you to reach your goals and make progress in areas that feel stuck. We’ll find a pace and set goals that are reasonable, so small successes can lead to larger ones.
You may not even know what you want, you just know things aren’t working as they are now, and that's okay! This process will help you uncover and define what you want.
Transforming your life is the result.
Transformation and healing in any aspect of your life is the result: physical health, emotional wellbeing, financial success, relationship strengthening, and spiritual connection.
This is your top tier 3-month program. It includes:
A comprehensive initial life assessment and consultation
One weekly phone or video conversation of about 1 hour each
Plus as needed text and email communication
Step out of the box you've been living in, and break through to your most enriched and fulfilling life.
After the initial program, I work by monthly subscription. There's no minimum, and you're free to discontinue at any time.
“Christine’s approach to coaching gives me the confidence to find the answers that I already have inside me and to act on them. She has a gentle, creative way of looking at any situation that always gets me moving in the right direction and feeling strong.”
"You're great about empowering me to have the strength to do what I know is right."
“You really got me through a tough transition that was a long time coming. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Knowing we were going to talk gave me something to look forward to each week and always made me feel really listened to. I truly can’t thank you enough.”